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tv   Fox Morning News at 5AM  FOX  July 27, 2009 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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weekend. >> we could have more today. some folks seeing some stormy conditions this morning. we'll show you the hd radar. we can show you how things re shaping up to the south ad n east of the district whe e 'vhad heavy rain, thunder, lightning and we continue to soe areas of e vyeahrain to ou h utsoan d east as nearby as waldorf seeing some heavy rain. salisbury a cross heth cakepey sabae into southern bamaryland, rehoboth. it will be an act morning and an active day as well. here is a broader look at the radar image as all of this is coming through. most of the ask is to the otet of the distric we'll have a couple of more k eaand re activity it of a eaad
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fleuranges underring during the afternoon hours. 74degrees in d.c. 72 up in new york city. oootudf locs d.aun goinloto lobby to gorecord my first couple of weather forecasts this morning and then because it will be the same all week long. >> good luck with that. >> we finally got into that summertime pattern which we'd been missing for a while. >> got some traffic issues this mg.orenni n>>es, it is. we want to tell you about a >> commuter alert to pass along this morning. part of 14th street being closed this morning starting right now. >> we are talking about a stretch in front of the reagan building where a major conference on u.s.-china relations is going on today. julie is back from i guess a birthday week vacation and she
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has more on traffic on this monday morning. nice to have you back. >> yes, we are talking about 14th street being closed off between pennsylvania avenue and constitution avenue. tea tours will be posted but a ride into work this morning. plan your trip accordingly. a couple of sprinkles is what i encountered on my trip in to work. we've got light traffic volume on the top stretch of the beltway and a halving between college park and bethesda. -- and traveling between college park and bethesda. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. alexandria's mtv is on leave and could lose his job. >> police arrested chief david
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baker in arlington county for dui. alexandria police chief baker is under investigation and this happened following a car crash. police there say his blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit to drive. >> he has been put on paid administrative leave and the city manager has lawn ped an independent investigation after the police chief was arrested saturday night. according to arlington county police, alexandria's chief crashed a city-owned ford explorer into another car at the entrance ram of of i-66 at north farr faction drive. police say his blood alcohol level was well above the alcohol limit. >> i'm surprised also. that is the most i can say. this is behavior that i have never seen. it is something that has certainly not been a part of his career or even his ethics. >> baker has been with the police force nearly 0 years, the last three years as police
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chief. fox 5 attempted to reach the police chief at his home. a woman there said he was unavailable. an ugly crime destroyed a beauty salon and left a maryland community stunned. anne arundel county police are tracking the person behind this mess in brooklyn park. over the weekend, vandals spray painted racist graffiti, stole equipment and computers and tried to torch the place. rescue crews are still searching if i missing swimmer in the chesapeake bay. as authorities in anne arundel county say the man was trying to swim from one boat to another when he went missin over the weekend. in another unrelated case, this sad ngdien as the search is over if an 11-year-old digir reported missing of a boating accident friday in cecil co ty. searchers scoffed her body about a half mile from where she was last seen near
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kennedyville. today, the defense gets his turn in the bonita jacks case, the mother accused of killing her four children. on friday, the prosecution rested its case. defense is going to try to poke holes through the government's case. jacks' lawyers acknowledge their case will be a short one with just a handful of witnesses. also in court, n initial hearing is set for the white supremacist arrested in the holocaust museum shooting. the hearing is scheduled for thursday. also following breaking news out of bethesda right for you where a body has been found inside a burning minivan. this discovery made at arlington road and bradley boulevard just after 4:00 this morning. we do have a crew on the scene. we'll bring you more information as we get it. time is six minutes after the hour. another case that gripped the d.c. area one year after the death of the main suspect, the
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anthrax case that left five people dead may soon be comingy to close. the french president remains in a hospital this morning after he collapsed while he was jogging over the weekend. we'll get the latest on his condition. stay with us. fox 5 morning news is coming right back. 
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we're back now at nine minutes after 5:00 with a look at stories making headlines. police are investigating a deadly crash on a parkway north of new york city. eight people were killed when a minivan full of passengers headed the wrong way down the parkway and slammed into an suv head on and hit another vehicle before it rolled down an embankment and caught fire. the investigation into the 2001 anthrax killings is finally come tying close. several law enforcement officials reportedly told the associated press that the justice department was considering closing the case last week but government lawyers needed more time to review evidence and determine what information can be made public. you might er eight year ago, five people were killed and more than a dozen infected.
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the suspect killed himself last year. french president nicholas sarkozy could be released from the hospital today. doctors are monitoring his heart. he fell ill whale jogging in hot weather. health officially initially reported that he fainted. his office says he never lot of consciousness. he is said to be in good health. the ousted honduran president has camped out along the border of his country mounting a comeback. he claimed he is still at president despied spite being exiled in a military coup -- despite being exil in a military coup. cash for clunkers kicks off today. coming up after the break, what you need to know before you head to the dealer. plus, sarah palin officially steps down. what is next for alaska's former governor? a close look coming up next. coming up, we'll update out today's weather forecast. could see some storms out there. some of you are already seeing some storms. julie wright is back and will
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take a look at this morning's rush hour traffic. there are some problems out there already. we'll tell you about that when fox 5 morning news returns. there are moments in time when the paths we take do determine our future. today we are communicating with each other as never before - and that requires a seamless network that is constantly growing better, smarter, and more secure.
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that's why our scientists and engineers in our labs, are taking the fastest technology in thworld and making it mobile, better and faster - to keep pushing the internet further than anyone dreamed. last year alone we invested more in building america's future than any other company - improving and expanding our network, to keep you in control. and behind the scenes, that takes work by our employees, who pride themselves knowing, that because they do it right, you might not even notice. if all of that, makes your connections, faster and more secure... well, that's our business. at&t... your world... delivered. if we don't act, medical bills will wipe out their savings. if we don't act, she'll be deed coverage because of a pre-existing condition. and heon't get the chemotrapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%.
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and he'll have to cut benefits for his employees. but we can act. the president and congress have a plan to lower your costs and stop denials for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act.
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welcome back this morning. we take a look from our tower cam. out there in the distance, you can see the washington monument a clearer start to the day after some storms rolled through over the weekend. i guess some of that activity still sticking around in some places. >> we have storms this morning to the south and east of the ri n po ortpoioions of maryland. we've hay lot o lightning, heard a lot of thunder. there is likely nsomse fairly d ssng gusty winds aocssia with this. this picture looks better than it did an hour ago, believe are to not. so there is less intensive weather and less lightning activity occurring right now than there was an hour ago.
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it is all pushing off to the east. there is washington there. we have seen a little bit of activity near waldorf. most of it in eastern maryland and southern maryland as well. near ocean city, we see a little flash of lightning there. salisbury, lightning there and into delaware as well. n we'll keep watching this throughout the course of the morning. let's go to max 2, show you the satellite-radar for the region. we'll put this in motion for u. it's broad picture of what is happening. you can see there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. you feel it in the form of humidity and we get it in the form of rain. we've got pretty good cloud cover across the region. there are pockets of heavy rain off to the east tracking to the north and east. current temperatures around the regi. here in washington, we've dropped off to 7 # degree. 73 here in washington.
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-- we've dropped off to 73 degrees. forecast for today, simply put, a lot of clouds, scattered showers and thunderstorms, not just this morning but again this afternoon. another warm and humid day. high in the upper 80s, about 88 degrees downtown. for tonight, a warm night. partly howdy skies. humid, muggy, maybe some fog in the morning and early showers possible. overnight low downtown about 71 degrees. five-day forecast, it will be the same thing all week long. chance of rain showers and thunderstorms every day. hot and muggy. summer-hike conditions. highs in the upper 80s to around 90 degrees or so all week long. now, let's get more on the morning rush hour traffic. here is julie wright with that. lated happy birthday. hope you had a withinful week off. >> yes, i did. thank you so kindly. we are talking about 14th street. they are in the process of closing that between constitution avenue and pennsylvania avenue and that is going to affect your inbound commute this morning. so again, plan your trip accordingly.
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14th street blocked between constitution avenue and pennsylvania avenue. no accidents to report headed into downtown. light traffic volume at each of the anacostia crossings. you will find top side of the beltway at speed for those leaving new hampshire avenue headedded in towards silver spring. inbound new york avenue still behaving nicely for those trying to make their way through the traffic lights leaving northeast to northwest. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. swine flu fears are prompting swift action in europe. the european union is speeding up approval of a new flu vaccine. the fast-tracked approval process means that millions of people will bet the shots before officials know about any rare side effects. many experts say extensive testing isn't necessary since the vaccine is very similar to the typical flu vaccine. european officials say the benefit of saving lives is worth the gamble but the united states is taking a more cautious approach. president obama continues fighting for his health care reform bill. the president will stum fotopoulos the plan with stops in virginia and north carolina
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while lawmaker continue to wrestle with the details. white house press secretary robert gibbs told fox news sunday that the white house has reached 80% agreement on capitol hill. the president is hoping that lawmaker could bet this deal done before the august recess but some say health care reform is too important to be rushed. >> as you well know, without a little poking and prodding, not a lot gets done. >> i think it is a very good thing for us to go back home over the august recess, lay it out to our constituents and say what do you think we ought to do. >> so far, republicans mostly oppose what they call a government takeover of health care. also, a hitson r-down with an african-american scholar ntd the white officer behind his controversial arrest. two have now accepted the president's offer to visit him at the white house. henry louis gates says the officer arrested him based on
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skin color and homes his arrest will lead to greater sensitivity on racial row filing. sarah palin now officially off the job. her resignation took effect yesterday. she left office one and a halfiers early. her future still unclear. dan springer was there for palin's farewell speech. >> reporter: sarah palin entered the national political arena with a think about and steps down as governor of alaska way rousing sendoff. and she has some choice words for the media asking the press for respect the profession and those it covers. >> democracy depends on you and that is why our troops are willing to die for you. so how about, in honor of the american soldier, you quit making things up. >> reporter: but pal written's political future is unclear. she returned from the campaign trail to face ethics probes, and sinking popularity numbers. little is known about what she
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will do. >> i think she want to get out of public limelight with all the attention being paid to her every move and get back it a seminormal life. >> reporter: governor palin announced on july #rd she would step down from her post 17 those early. at the time, she said she had no plans on mechanicking a run at the white house. political pundits say she will energize the republican party. >> if that is what she is thinking, that she will run the office of the presidency, she had to leave alaska, come down to the lower 48 and start campaigning for other republican candidates. secretary of state hillary clinton says she will be watching to see what palin does. >> if putting together a presidential campaign is an extremely complicated enterprise so i'm just going to leave it at that. >> reporter: sarah palin's speech can give plenty of hints this she has an eye on the future in politics. she talked about the need to energy independent enand the dak are of government getting
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too big, a platform for 01? only time will tell. you can't miss the commercials but now it is officially off and running. >> the cash for clunkers program is a billion dollar plan to get americans to turn in their less fuel efficient cars for newer models. >> you need it find out if your old car is eligible. here are the rules in a nutshell. several web sites do give you that information. than you look for your new car options. you get $3,500 for bumping your fuel economy. before you head to the dealership, you need to have a clear title plus proof of registration and insurance for at late a year. >> check the trade-in value for your car because if it is worth
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more than $4,500, it won't make a difference. other news this morning, a bachelor party ending in tragedy with a man killed. that and other headlines oming up next solve the a contentious american idol castaway is found dead. we'll let you know what police say happened. .
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[ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet cleans so deep, you'll love it. your old mop will just have to get over it... [ engine rattles ] [ man ] love stinks! ♪ love stinks! ♪ yeah! yeah!
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[ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet is redesigned. it cleans deep in corners. its solution penetrates layers of dirt and its absorbent pad locks it away the newly redesigned swiffer wet jet. ♪ love stinks! oh...rollerblading. you poor thing. skiing accident? um...mountain biking. mmm. snowboarding? hang gliding! respect. hard waterstains, huh? (announcer) cleaning hard water stains with the wrong product can be painful. the leading all-purpose cleaner doesn't. for lime, calcium and rust, lime-a-way is a mu. this summer, clean your grill with new easy-off barbeque grill cleaner. a bachelor party getting
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out of hand in philadelphia and a man ends up dead. this happened at bare inside the philadelphia phillies ballpark on saturday night. during the closing innings of the game between the phillies and the cardinals, an argument started between the bachelor party and another group. the fight spilled outside the ballpark and a man from the bachelor party was betten to death solve the a former american idol castoff was found dead over the weekend on the jersey shore. authorities discovered the body- - a former american idol castoff was found dead over the weekend on the jersey shore. authorities discovered the body. a body found inside a burning minivan. wel get the latest details coming up after the break. also coming up, a top officer ends up on the wrong side of the law and now alexandria's police chief is on leave and could be losing his
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job after he was charged with dui. . plus an ugly crime destroying a beauty salon. it leaves a maryland community stunned. oh, what's this?
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breakfast. it's kind of early, buddy. you've got to need to take some cholesterol off you. honey, have you been reading the cheerios box again? he got that off the box. (announcer) cheerios is made with 100% natural whole grain oats to help lower your cholesterol. that was very thoughtful of you. very early, but very thoughtful. (announcer) cheerios. good for the heart.
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> we want to give you a heads up about something we are doing tomorrow here at fox 5. a special opportunity for from you six until nine a.m.
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tomorrow morning. we will be hosting a phone bank on volunteerism. a lot of folk we'll be here to connect you to volunteering. if you have some time to spare, be sure to join us tomorrow morning so can you feel better about what you are doing out there. >> there are a lot of opportunities here too. sand so many did -- different places. all right. we have storms sort of continuing from yesterday. >> more or less. we have activity off to the south and east of us where we ae seeing some heavy rain and thunderstorm activity with lightning. look at what is going on right now at reagan national airport. the relative humidity is up there, 87%. it is a muggy morning. winds are out of the south at 10 miles per hour. here is a look at the radar. here is what gurvir is talking about. the rain we are seeing off to
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the south and east, we'll put this in motion for you. it's pretty good batch of rain showers. some thunderstorm activity associated with this to primarily the east eof wshington across eastern portions of maryland. the middle and lower -- sorry, central and lower portions of the chesapeake bay, southern marylaciean , tyees ocean city, seethg ocunthsoaninthder thunder and lightning as well. here is the forecast for washington for today. a lot of clouds around today. scattered showers and thunderstorms, not just this morning but during the afternoon as well. high, 88 degrees and humid again today. we'll have more details coming up in just a little bit. >> thank you. let's welcome julie wright to the mix one mother time. what is going on out there? >> a lot right now unfortunately. we are talking about 14th street between constitution avenue and pennsylvania avenue being shut down all day until about #:00 tonight and again, you will find that that closure is in place between constitution avenue and
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pennsylvania avenue. -- until about 6:00 tonight. we have the roadblocked off with altern tough routes minded up for you. this is a major artery for a lot of folks headed into downtown as they come off the 14th street bridge headed into downtown between pennsylvania avenue and constitution avenue already blocked off until about 6:00 this evening. meanwhile, bradley boulevard here in bethesda. this is tied up in each direction because of a serious crash. the road is shut down each way. inbound new york avenue looking good as you travel between nortast and northwest. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. we continue to stay on top of the break is news situation some bethesda. first live pictures from the scene now. the discovery of a body inside a burning minivan at arlington road and bradley boulevard. police arid of a on the scene shortly after 4:00 this morning. the van was facing towards d.c., that is southbound on bradley. investigators are not saying
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exactly what happened, whether this may have been the result of an accident or if something else is involved. >> we do have a crew he haded over to that area. we are following another story this morning. this man has put people in jail for dui and now he is accused of the same crime. >> this morning, alexandria's police chief david baker on leave and under investigation. this all stemmed from a crash over the weekend that happened in arlington. >> reporter: according to police, the police chief david baker crashed a see-owned vehicle saturday night. he was charged with dui. >> this is a sad day for us. >> reporter: alexandria's mayor and other city leaders placed the chief on paid administrative leave. >> the reaction has been as you might understandly be surprised.
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>> reporter: the city's second highest ranking officer careful cook will now serve as acting chief. >> this is behavior i have never seen. it is something that has not been a part of his career or even his ethics. >> reporter: baker has been with the police force for nearly 0 years. the last three were as chief overseeing more than 480 employees. >> i hold all my management team being my executive team to the highest possible standards. >> reporter: baker's future is now in the hands of city manager jim hartman whose office has launched an independent investigation. when asked if baker's career was over hartman said -- >> i'm anot prepared to say that right now. this is a very serious situation. i think the chief and i will be having more discussions today and over the next couple of days. >> i talked to him and he is obviously with respect set and concerned. >> reporter: even though he
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didn't speak at the news conference, sandery's sheriff says he came to show support for his long time frien >> defend his honor. he is an honorable mannen it is just not like him. >> that was sherrily reporting. another driver in the crash was taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. chief baker was released on his own recognizance. a beauty salon turning into an ugly crime scene. somebody crashed the window and spray painted words. it is not just the graffiti but vaned de balaguers also stole computer and destroyed the rest by dousing it with fuel. >> they took gasoline and poured it in here. so if you turn this on, you don't know what is oing to happen. that is may money, my bred and butter. that is my bill money. i'm losing on that end.
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>> she says she is the first trouble she has had in two years since chase been there. today, the defense gets its turn in the bonita jacks case. friday, the prosecution rested its case. jacks' lawyers acknowledge their case will be a short one with just a handful of witnesses. also in court this week, there is an initial hearing for the white supremacist accused in the holocaust museum shooting. james von brunn is facing a first degree murder charge. police say he fatally shot a security guard last month. his attorney said he wasn't well enough to appear in court. the hearing is scheduled for thursday. new research showing that the global opinion of the united states is changing for the better. coming up, a big reason behind the shift. also the octomom's babies are bringing home the big bucks. the reality tv deal and wait until you hear how much they will get per episode. there are moments in time
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when the paths we take do determine our future. today we are communicating with each other as never before - and that requires a seamless network that is constantly growing better, smarter, and mo secure. that's why our scientists and engineers in our labs, are taking the faest technology in the world and making it mobile, better and faster - to keep pushing the internet further than anyone dreamed. last year alone we invested more in building america's future than any other compa - imroving and expanding our network, to keep you in control. and behind the scenes, that takes work by our employees, who pride themselves knowing, that because they do it right, you might not even notice. if all of that, makes your connections, faster and more secure... well, that's our business. at&t... your world... delivered. if we don't act,
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medical bills will wipe out their savings. if we don't act, she'll be denied coverage because of a pre-exiing condition. and he won't get the chemotherapy he needs. if we don't act, health care costs will rise 70%. and he'll have to cut benefits for his employees. but we can act. the president and congress have a plan to lower your costs and stop denials for pre-existing conditions. it's time to act. to the box office now where an elite squad of guinea pigs have knocked harry potter off the top spot. g-force took the top spot this weekend. the ugly truth, orphan and ice age, dawn. dinosaurs rounded out the top five over the weekend.
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when it comes to the representation of gays on television, hbo does the best job. it scored highest among 15 networks for its representation of gay characters last season. it found that 42% of the network's programming hours was dedicated to contents reflexing the lives of gay, bisexualand transgendered people. cbs was the lowest with 5% and fox dedicated 11% of its programming to those issues. the octuplets are not even a year old but they may soon be bringing in the big bucks. they will make $250 a day if a new reality show. the showed scheduled to begin october 1st. we will go one on one with redskins head coach jim zorn coming up. n ve en in a while. est odd
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this morning, we have an update on chloe andit kat. that is coming up. you know what, this looks just like the tree house i built with my dad. (girl) really? yeah. there you go. okay, i'm gonna work on the roof. dad, i'll be right back! (announcer) it's more than jus that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. you made that for me? well you're making this fore. (announcer) choosey moms, and dads, choose jif.
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[ announcer ] you make healthy choices every day-- oh, max!
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and you want to do the same for your laughable, lovable dog. [ barks ] that's why purina fit & trim is specially formulated... with high-quality protein, including delicious real chicken, to help him maintain lean muscle and a healthy weight, so he can make the most of every day. long live your buddy. long live your dog. purina fit & trim. welcome back. we have a fox 5 follow-up on that odd couple at the d.c.
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animal shelter we told but. remember chloe and kit kat, the chihuaha and kitten who formed a special bond. tough economic times forced third owner to give them up. we are happy to report that the two now have a new home. a fox 5 viewer named sandy and her us adopted the pair. they saw the segment and they decided to adopt the two of these animals together. look at that. >> they were so cute when they were here. you knew they wouldn't last very long. >> look at that cute video of them playing. >> i think the selling point was that they just laid around together as opposed to this video. >> real nice to see that. tony is in to tell us what to expect in terms of our weather. >> we have some storms out there acrosticrorpons of the or eresapeake bay a stryeaman ndlaas eastern maryland as wes rthiit look better now than it looitd earlier this morning anl
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indeed, it is all pinhusg off to the east across delaware now. but even they are not dealing with the intensity that we saw earlier. a lot of heavy rain out there. we continue to see some heavy rain and some lightning across portions of the chesapeake bay into eastern maryland near cambridge, south of cam bridge, near st. mary's city. all of this pushing off to the north and east. how far, we are still under the gun for today as far as any more precipitation goes. we have light rain being reported out of reagan national airport and can you see some light rain showers on the eastern portion of the beltway and just outside the beltway as well and then a little bit of activity on 66 headed towards fronted royal. some rain and one little blip of heavy rain there. there is a lot going on this morning. take a look at the current temperatures as we look at our graphics on max 2. 72degrees in
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washington. 72 in baltimore. ocean city, 7 # degrees with some of those rain showers out there -- 76 degrees. you can see the cloud cover that we have and you see the activity in over the washington area. there it is right now. a lot of cloud under currently. we'll see a left clouds during the course of the day today. here is a look at the surface map and here is why we'll be dealing with what we're dealing with today and much of the same for the rest of this week. there is your cold front. the next 4 hour, this cold province is kind of petering out. it will come through here but it won't reduce our temperatures so calling it a cold front is misleading. it will come through and as it does t will be just powerful enough to trigger some showers and thunderstorms during the course of the afternoon but still our air stays quite humid. forecast for today, a left clouds around today. mostly cloudy. scattered showers and thunderstorms possible through the day. high about 88 degrees downtown. five-day forecast, tomorrow, hottest day of week, high about 91 or 92 degrees. chance of some shows and thunderstorms so really our temperatures all week long are in the upper 80s to around 90
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and every day, we have awe chance of showers and thunderstorms and it looks like we'll be in the soup all week long as well with hot and humid conditions. now, let's get more on this morning's rush hour traffic with julie wright. >> the soup, you'll be in the soup? >> we're in the soup, baby. >> thatching goodness it is not like in the wintertime when it is fog a and as thick as pea soup -- thank goodness. we have an event taking place later today at the reagan building so there will be closures there. this is an incident which came in shortly before 4:00 a.m. that remains under investigation at bradley boulevard. a lot of equipment on the scene. bradley boulevard at arlington in bethesda remains closed
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until further notice. eastbound jix, awe stalled bus trying up the left side of the roadway. beginning after nutley street, you are hitting a backup there. -- eastbound 66, a stalled bus tying up the left side of the roadway. self-centered, rude and elitist. just three of the words people have used around the world when describinamericans. new research indicates global opinion is changing. much of the credit is being given to america's new president, obama. >> a proud citizen of the united states and a fellow citizen of the world. >> reporter: this was candidate obama speaki in berlin last year hoping to boost america's image. now, it happens global opinion of us is improving. >> much of the change in positive opinion about the u.s. has to do with confidence in
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barack obama. >> reporter: the pew research cent are surveyed 27,000 people in 25 countries. the numbers show in 21 of those countries, an average of 71% of people polled have confidence in how the u.s. is handling foreign affairs. >> i think it has a lot of great ideas that i think are better than bush ideas. >> reporter: there is near universal support for some of obama's policies. attitudes seem to have shifted most in latin america and western europe. >> in germany, for example, 0% last year said they had a favorable view of united states. this year, it is 64%. >> reporter: despite president obama's attempt last month to reach out to muslims during a speech in cairo, poll numbers show public opinion of the u.s. hasn't changed much in islamic countries. there is broad opposition to one of his crucial policies sending more troops to afghanistan. >> the muslim public remain either moderately negative or highly negative toward the
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united states. >> reporter: according to the pew poll, there is only one country where opinions of americans seems to be getting worse, israel. >> i think the pressure that he is putting on israel is unproportional to the pressure he is putting onto any other issue in the world. >> reporter: back home in the u.s., president obama's approval rating appears to be slipping, due in part to his costly health care reform proposal. at the white house, mike emmanuel, fox news. coming up next, we have a new champion to celebrate in the district. plus, the redskins just days way from kicking off their 2009 training camp. after a rocky season last year a lot is on the line for head coach jim zorn. up next, he tells us he is not so worried about that. we are back with coach zorn after this. i
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with redskins training cament p starting this week, the fox us of d.c. sports quickly changing but it is still baseball season. the thats are desperately trying not no make history and ellipse the '62 mets as the worst team in baseball history. the padres in town yesterday wrapping autopsy you three-game
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series, things all tied up after nine innings. you do it when it counts. just a matter of time before he would break that slump. the nats win two in a row. willie harris scored the game win are and the nats edged the padres 3-2678 the skipper had some kind words for the new hero. >> he is any after situation, not getting to play as much as he normally has in his career but he does his work every day, gets ready for those kind of situations. we close it down in the ninth in a perfect world and we never get to that point but i wouldn't trade it for anything now because i'm really happy for the ball club and also for him in particular. >> the washington castles took the court against the springfield lasers with the goal in mind to win the world team tennis title in just the
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second year of existence. wash was led by the league mvp. -- washington was led by the league mvpj everybody was laughing at me when i said we would win this whole thing. a fwrem come true. this season, win or lose tonight. i've had so much fun. i feel like my head is about to explode. >> it was amazing. i wanted to thank them all for supporting us. it's great. >> congratulation to the castle it is year number two of the jim zorn era for the redskins and zorn is under a little bit of pressure. last year, the skins busted out of the gate for a 6-# start but finished thier at 8-8. jason campbell is entering his fifth year with the team. this off soap, the team tried to trade for yea cutler,
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thought about drafting mark sanchez but ended up sticking with campbell. jim zorn has this to say about the up and down off season with his quarterback and talked about it with dave feldman. >> does he need, i guess, emotionally to be built back up? >> i think we've done that. i think that has been done. i think he is -- he has got a left confidence right now. and' got this -- you think he has got a sense of determination that last year he did not have. i mean he is very determined to make a statement not so much look at me but a statement of i see what we're doing now. i'm going to run this program the way it needs to be one run. >> you don't seem to me the type of guy that worries about his future. you are laid back. but there are rumors out there jim has to have i great year this year or he will be replaced. do you lose any sleep over that in. >> i didn't sit in a dark room if the corner and sort of
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shaking and wondering what my life will be like. i think that is not why i was hired to worry about my job and if, oh, my fwosh are peoe going to really think we're diagnose a good job. you know we are. i know we'rehood in the right direction. >> despite leading at unnap list, it was a spedding penalty out of the pits that proved costly for mondayy to a. jimmy johnson would take the lead and hold it. this is the third time johnson has won the race in the last four years. the final stage of the tour france. the nearly 10 # mile team
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riding into paris -- 10 # mile race riding into paris -- 102- mile race and the leaders riding into paris. straight ahead, we are following breaking news out of beghts he is da where a body has been found inside a burning minuteee van. we'll get a live report ahead. this could be a big weak for health care reform. democrats ended the week squabbling among themselves for how to pay for that. we'll take a closer look at what might be next. fox 5 morning news is back at 6:00 in just two minutes. two medium cappuccinos, you're ready for the mid-morning rush thanks to a good breakfast.
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one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. make one a double. she's fiber focused! i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip, and two espressos, one with a double shot. gonna take more than coffee to stay this focused. stay full and focused through the morning... wi a breakfast of kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal; an excellent source of fiber that helps you avoid... the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good. sure, pal. let's just find a good spot. [ dramatic music plays ] a big day at the beach with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice. this looks like a good spot. you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. treat urodself tay with an authentic caramel swirl iced latte.
5:59 am
l.t. a disturbing discovery in downtown bethesda. >> authorities are called out if a report of a car on fire but it


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